Zoo New England

Field Conservation Blog

News from the Field

Welcome to Zoo New England’s Field Conservation blog! Here, we share some of the amazing work going on “beyond the zoo” at a variety of field sites around New England. Expect tales from the field, interesting nature facts, and the occasional guest post from one of our local – or international! – community partners.

It’s a TRAP
Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Frogs | Local Conservation | Plants | Turtles

It’s a TRAP

You pick up a peculiar scent in the marsh today. Delicious, you muse with interest, and the thought sets your turtle-tummy a-rumbling.  Bright yellow dots adorn a smooth carapace, and this pretty turtle shell glides just under the surface of … Continued

If you build it, SHE will come
Local Conservation | Turtles

If you build it, SHE will come

This suburban ball field is home-base for a small population of wood turtles. The wood turtles live in the woods (of course) and stream nearby, but come up into the lawn next to the ball field to lay their eggs. … Continued

Blanding’s Fecal Sample Study
Local Conservation | Turtles

Blanding’s Fecal Sample Study

Like all animals, food availability is crucial to the quality of Blanding’s turtle habitat. Particularly for our head started juveniles, a fast growth rate and large shell size is key to avoiding predation. We noticed that some of our sites … Continued

Meet the Field Conservation Team!