One Health in Madagascar Field Mission, Day Four

Today Health in Harmony, in collaboration with several governmental and non-profit organizations, held their monthly day of reforestation. It was incredible! The reforestation area for the day was a 40 hectare plot within the Manombo Special Reserve that had historically been cleared by “slash and burn” for zebu cattle. While it seemed like an isolated location, I arrived in the morning and was astonished to find a whopping 200 people participating in the event. There were large speakers playing upbeat Malagasy music, and the morale was high. Locals, mainly women, carried seedlings in baskets balanced on their heads from the road to the reforestation site. Upon arrival, they planted seedlings in pre-dug holes.

Seeing the communities taking such a positive and concrete approach to conservation, and knowing that our partner Health in Harmony was taking a direct role in supporting this work, made this one of the most memorable and uplifting days that I’ll never forget.

About One Health in Madagascar